Sophie Quire and the Last Storyguard by Jonathan Auxier
The Good
Peter Nimble, Sophie Quire, and Sir Tode come together to reunite the Four Questions before an unknown evil can.
The Bad
Madame Eldritch owns an oubliette and tries to kidnap Sophie and the Book of Who. Read pages 85-98. Sophie’s mother was murdered. There are several weird creatures such as a man/horse/cat, a live mandrake, cyanese twins, trolls, man-eating animals, and several others. This book definitely has magic in it. Knucklemeat threatens the travelers. There is a battle. Sophie kisses Peter on the cheek. A massive creature of flame trie to destroy Sophie’s hometown. There are spells and magical potions.
Ages 11+ would be great for this book.
My Take
I enjoyed Sophie Quire and the Last Storyguard. Even thought there was a lot I mentioned in The Bad section, that doesn’t mean the book is bad. Just read through it and decide whether the things are mentioned are ok for you or your children to read. I especially liked this story because it was about saving books. I would recommend that you read it, but be warned, it has a lot more magic, spells and danger than the previous book Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes.
Story line
Scary stuff
Weird Creatures
Overall Rating
Review by Kaitlyn