Nine-year-old Nicholas Benedict has more problems than most children his age. Not only is he an orphan with an unfortunate nose, but he also has narcolepsy, a condition that gives him terrible nightmares and makes him fall asleep at the worst possible moments. Now he’s being sent to a new orphanage, where he will encounter vicious bullies, selfish adults, strange circumstances — and a mystery that could change his life forever. Luckily, he has one important thing in his favor: He’s a genius.On his quest to solve the mystery, Nicholas finds enemies around every corner, but also friends in unexpected places — and discovers along the way that the greatest puzzle of all is himself.
The Good
Nicholas thinks of others before himself. He tries to stop the bulling that goes on in the orphanage.
The Bad
A group of boys from the orphanage, called the Spiders, bully Nicholas.
Ages 9+ is a good age for this book.
My Take
I really liked The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict. It relates the childhood of Mr. Benedict and his genius from an early age. I also loved that it had all different people, deaf people, orphans, people with narcolepsy. It shows that even these people can be the hero’s of their own stories.
Story line
Scary stuff
Weird Creatures
Overall Rating
Review by Kaitlyn