The Girl with the Glass Bird by Esme Kerr
Even at Knight’s Haddon, the exclusive boarding school for girls, Anastasia Stolonov is special: a real-life Russian princess, fragile and melodramatic. She’s forever claiming that someone is stealing her things- her diary, her pocket money, the precious crystal bird her father gave her. But since the items always turn up again, none of the other girls believe her. Except Eddie Wilson. because Eddie, in her own way, is special too: a smart, brave orphan who has been sent to Knight’s Haddon as a spy! Her mission is to keep a watchful eye on Anastasia. Is Anastasia honestly going mad? Or is there an ominous plot at work in Knight’s Haddon?
The Good
Eddie keeps watch on Anastasia and tries to figure out what is happening to all her things. Who’s the thief? There are several options, and as the two girls discover what’s really going on, they learn that both their lives are in peril.
The Bad
Eddie and Anastasia are kidnapped.
Ages 8+ is great for this book. A good read aloud.
My Take
The storyline was interesting. I felt like the beginning needed more description. The headmistress was good friends with Eddie’s mother, then they broke their friendship. It makes the story interesting because you think the headmistress is the villain. I’ve never read any of Esme Kerr’s books before, but over all I’d agree it’s an okay book. For my review on the sequel, click here.
Story line | |
Characters | |
Scary stuff | |
Romance | |
Weird Creatures | |
Overall Rating |
Review by Kaitlyn
Great review!
Sounds so Good!